Chicken is the favorite protein in Chile. There are lots of dishes and ways to cook it that are traditional to Chile.
It's also added to Pastel de Choclo and Papas.
Small birds like quail and partridge were hunted and popular for a long time but are much less common nowadays.
Turkey is popular in cold cuts and for Christmas.
Cazuela de Pollo and Pollo arvejado are the most popular dishes.
- Ave Palta Sandwich Chicken Avocado
- Cazuela de pollo Chilean Chicken Soup
- Panqueques rellenos con pollo Chicken Stuffed Crepes
- Pavo Relleno Stuffed Turkey Breast
- Pollo a la plancha Juicy Stovetop Chicken Breast
- Pollo al Jugo Chilean Juicy Stove Top Chicken Thighs
- Pollo Arvejado Peas and carrots Chicken Stew
- Pollo con champiñones Chicken with mushrooms
- Tallarines Bontú Chicken Mushroom Pasta Bake